European Affairs

The European Narrative: EU & the Media

The state of the media in the European Union is under intense pressure, facing threats such as fake news and physical risk to journalists,...

The Church of Contradictions: a Review of Pope Francis’ Five Year Tenure

This March marks five years since Pope Francis’ 2013 election, inheriting what the Washington Post called an “office demystified by scandal.” The Catholic Church’s...

Bucking the System – A New Campaign Strategy Changes Austrian Elections

Using an anti-system campaign strategy has defined a new approach to elections across Europe, with the Austrian Freedom Party joining the Austrian People’s Party...

Russian War Games Spark Fear in the West

Zapad 2017 (“The West 2017”) represented the biggest Russian-led military exercise since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, and has raised concerns among military...

Gibraltar after Brexit: Where Will the Rock End Up?

The United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union last June, commonly known as Brexit, shocked not only the world, but also many subjects...

In uncertain terms: How current narratives influence refugee integration

Strewn across the front page of newspapers and littered on News Feeds, Austria’s recent ban of the full-face veil in public places has been...

A Battle for the Soul of Europe

Representatives at the "Religions for a New Europe" conference believe Europe is facing a daunting crisis in the history of integration – one that needs...

Panel 4: Understanding Terrorism and its Prevention

With a topic as hard to discuss as preventing and countering violence that leads to radicalized terrorism, the fourth panel was keen to stay...

Law and Morality in the Crimean Crisis

Speaking about the Crimean crisis in 2014, some refer to it as an annexation while others prefer to call it a reunification. At first...

More democracy than ever before?

The DASICON conference of the Diplomatische Akademie opened the afternoon session with a panel of practitioners and academic experts on the topic “Shrinking Democratic...

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