European Affairs

Democracy under Fire

The attacks against independent media and an upcoming controversial referendum pose serious risks to the future of Turkish democracy, experts told a Vienna audience...

“Welcome to the Twilight Zone”

Many of today's conflicts are often blurry and complex. Therefore, the second panel of DASICON 2017 gave an overview over the Ukrainian crisis and...

Fractured Columns in the European Security Architecture

Security experts from around Europe sparred on the meaning and necessity of the OSCE at today’s DASICON panel, “The OSCE in the European Security...
Polemics Victor Orban

Victor Orbán’s political agenda?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been the subject of extensive media coverage lately. What is occasionally labelled as anti-EU rhetoric on the subject...

Secessionist Tendencies in Bosnia – The Beginning of the End for the Bosnian Entities?

At a party conference in 2015 the President of the tiny Republika Srpska (RS) announced a referendum on the independence of this Bosnian entity....

An Endless Emergency

Paris is always Paris. The narrow cobblestone streets, crowded clubs, beautiful museums and baguettes all matched my expectations. Until the first group of soldiers...

No Man’s Land in The Balkans – The Liberland Case

On April 13, 2015,  the world’s newest micronation, the Free Republic of Liberland, was born on a 7 square-kilometre parcel of uninhabited swamp. Situated in...

“We Should Never Give Up Hope”

For two years now, the refugee crisis has dominated the news. The European Union and UN agencies responsible for humanitarian aid have been...

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