Democratic Support Without Democracy: Explaining the Popularity of the Chinese Government
Over the past year, international media reports on Chinese politics frequently centred around the oppression of minorities, public surveillance measures, and China’s increasingly aggressive...
Refugees – Bargaining Chips of Domestic and International Politics
Over the last decade, Turkey has grown to become one of the nations hosting the most refugees worldwide. People fleeing violence and the lack...
Democracy, Capitalism, Trade: Building Back Better
The fate of the Pacific may rest on the bonds of the Atlantic. Over the last four years, however, the transatlantic bonds between the...
Roadblocks Ahead: Foreign Aid, Civil Society, and the Peace Process in Afghanistan
7Over the last 17 years, the support of USAID and other donors helped transform Afghan civil society and media from a loose network of...
The Free and Open Indo-Pacific and the Rise of China: ‘Tigers’ Should Find a...
The Indo-Pacific is gaining systemic gravity in international affairs more than ever before. Avoiding falling into a zero-sum game would be beneficial for all.
Joe Biden and the Middle East
Following Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th US president on 20 January 2021, his administration has announced it will take a close look at...
The Origin of Identity: The Case of Taiwan’s Identity Shifts
Identity politics, nationalism, and ethnic identity are salient topics at the moment. But what does it truly mean to be part of an ethnic...
Hasta Siempre Comandante: Cuba’s “Secret” Role in African Liberation Struggles
“Cuba is the only country in the world that sent its soldiers to confront the army of apartheid.” With this controversial quote, prominent Cuban...
The Post-Abe Japan: On What Legacies is the New Prime Minister Suga Standing?
Kakuei Tanaka, who served as prime minister of Japan in the 1970s, once told Henry Kissinger that “the changes through successive prime ministers… are...
The Uighur Question: Halfway between Domestic Sinicization and Diplomatic Cynicism
Over the past few months, the world has been waking up to horrifying news about China, alleging crimes, and human rights abuses against Muslim...