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Overcoming Signs of Our Division

The secret ballot allows each citizen to cast their vote as they desire, without outside influences, pressure, repercussions, or censure. Until 1890, US citizens...

Is Cancel Culture the New Damnatio Memoriae?

Cancel Culture. Ethical censure. Although these are considered manifestations of our modern world, they date back as legal sanctions to Ancient Rome, where rulers...

The Power of Political Rhetoric

The 45th President of the United States has spent the last four years in office promoting the rhetoric that has invalidated educated communication. The...

Don’t Fall Victim to the Ken Bone Phenomenon

Recently the New Yorker published a documentary on the almost-forgotten Ken Bone. In it, both Mr. Bone and the public come to terms with...

Cultural Erasure of Women: How Women are Remembered in History

Ida B. Wells, Emmeline Pankhurst, Indira Gandhi, and Ada Lovelace, all share two significant traits. These women accomplished feats that shaped history and yet...

The Post-Trump GOP: Back to the Future?

As the 2020 electoral contest in the United States comes to a definite conclusion the two Presidential candidates are on the move: president-elect Joe...

Sex, Politics, Gender and Fashion: How clothes shape power and status

An outfit reflects your personality. Politicians can use this insight to gain votes. When Nancy Pelosi makes a speech wearing a matching mask and outfit, she...

Sanctions in the time Corona

The use of economic sanctions to accomplish foreign policy objectives has been around for a long time. Athens imposed sanctions on other Greek city-states. The Megarian...

Trump a “Manchurian Candidate” President?

While playing a game of solitaire, the queen of diamonds card triggers the Manchurian Candidate to do his controller’s bidding. In Richard Condon’s novel...

The Beginning of a New Decade of Development for Africa

Africa’s future is no longer uncertain. This decade belongs to African development. Economists and researchers are increasingly convinced about Africa’s tremendous growth potential, despite...

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