From Seneca Falls to Themiscyra
A 620 km long chain made up of five million women advocating for equality signalled 2019 as a landmark year for women’s rights and...
Caminantes – The story of neglected Venezuelan refugees
The author has worked and lived in Venezuela during the current crisis, and later along the refugee route in Colombia. Working, walking and hitchhiking...
Flygskam: Shroud of climate shame obscures the real culprits
Greta Thunberg ignited worldwide interest this September for her emotionally charged speech denouncing international leaders for their passivity in combating climate change at the...
“Something is imminent – and it is dire! Our era is over — Europe’s...
Throughout its 70-year-long life, it is doubtless that NATO has been pivotal in ensuring the quality of life and security enjoyed by most of...
The African Union Must Lead on Carbon Tax Regulation in Africa
Climate change has become a pressing issue on the global agenda. For African countries this issue has a very high priority, as their environment...
Why should the democratic world support peaceful revolutions?
Ever since February 22, 2019, millions of Algerians have been relentlessly marching, calling for the fall of an authoritarian and corrupt junta, for the...
Why Protesting against Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities is an Act of Self-sabotage
By: Anja Vujakovic (Creative Director)
With global climate warming being the greatest environmental and political challenge of the 21st century, the need for alternative sources...
Ukraine on the Search for Itself
By: Raphaela Tiefenbacher (Staff Writer)
The 2014 Euromaidan protests also unveiled both the hope and horror to be found in the country. A country with a...
Tech and Diplomacy
By: Jamie Bergin (Managing Editor)
If you attend an international conference these days, such as those at the United Nations, you might encounter something seemingly...
The U.S. Monopoly over the World Bank Must Cease!
By: Michael Asiedu (Staff Writer)
On April 5, 2019, David R. Malpass was approved by the executive directors of the World Bank to be the...