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Tag: Volume XVI Issue 1

Deceit, Death, and Schmoozing: the Life and Times of Henry Kissinger

After 100 long years, Henry Kissinger is dead. “Washington’s Kingmaker” thoroughly shaped the modern world of geopolitics and international relations throughout his career, often...

Erasmus for America

In the 21st century, the United States has experienced a weakening social contract between citizens and their governing institutions, festering animosity between different cultural...

Calling for a Gendered Analysis of Human-Trafficking and a Gender-Responsive and Victim-Centred Criminal Justice...

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a highly gendered crime that affects women and men differently due to asymmetrical constructs of masculinity and femininity, deeply...

International Law and the Taliban’s Severe Violation of Human Rights in Afghanistan

Since the fall of the Republic of Afghanistan in mid-August 2021 and the Taliban’s takeover, the people of Afghanistan live not only in a...

A Fight for a Democratic Europe: Belarus in Captivity Between East and West

As the 2024 European Union (EU) elections approach, questions and aspirations arise about the future of the Union in the context of war in...

The AI Revolution

Polemics Coverage of the Dialogue of Continents Conference, organized by the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, December 4-5, 2023. As part of the Dialogue of Continents...

A Europe-First Defense

Since the end of the Second World War, Europe’s progress towards ever-closer integration has manifested itself in an ecosystem of multilateral organizations. The European...

An International Financial System for All? Climate, Security, Resilience, and the Changing Nature of...

Polemics Coverage of the Dialogue of Continents Conference, organized by the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, December 4-5, 2023. The last panel of the conference was...

Derisking, Strategic Autonomy, and Economic Security

Polemics Coverage of the Dialogue of Continents Conference, organized by the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, December 4-5, 2023. The second round table is introduced by...

Anton Wein-Wislocki, Referatsleiter für Klima-, Umwelt- und Energiediplomatie im Außenministerium im Interview

Anfang November fand in der Wiener Hofburg das International Vienna Energy & Climate Forum 2023 (IVECF) statt. Das 2008 ins Leben gerufene Forum wird...


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