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Tag: Volume XVI Issue 1

Drowning in the Fifth Wave: the Connection Between Right-Wing Extremism and Organized Crime in...

The looming fifth wave of terror carries the potential for greater lethality, enhanced organization, and a larger scale than waves preceding it. The reason...

Unraveling the Belt and Road Initiative

Ten years after its inception, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has evolved from a Eurasian trade corridor and infrastructure investment program to an...

Where Will Brazil Draw the Line on Free Speech?

This October, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo revealed that during the Bolsonaro administration, the country’s intelligence service, Abin (Agência Brasileira de Inteligência), had been...

Bridging the Cross-Disciplinary Gap: Cultural Studies and International Relations

From language, beliefs, customs to literature and art, defining culture is no easy feat. To this day there are discussions about what culture does...

Visegrad Four in Flux: Navigating Political Shifts and Regional Dynamics in Central and Eastern...

The geopolitical influence of Central and Eastern European nations has been on a steady ascent since the outbreak of a full-scale Russian invasion of...

Finland’s NATO Membership: A Historical Foreign Policy Shift

Finland’s application to join NATO in 2022 represented a radical departure from its previous foreign policy. This long-debated move came just three months after...

Fukushima Wastewater Discharge: Unraveling Regional Tensions

Within the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s controversial release of treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant is sparking a geopolitical tempest,...

Skyward Symphony: the Melody of Vertical Farming

The increasing uncertainty of our contemporary world may be attributed to a multitude of factors, including conflicts, natural catastrophes, escalating costs, population growth, and...


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